We are running a series of sessions and workshops especially for the summer holiday break. From forest school to woodworking sessions, bushcraft to mosaic making. There is something for everyone!
Mosaic Making with Megan - Thursday afternoons 2pm -5pm , 8th and 15th August 10 - 18 year old's - £40
A group art project making a legacy piece for the wellbeing garden here at the centre. Learn how to make a mosaic including designing the picture for many others to enjoy who come to the garden.
Forest School with Louise - Thursday Mornings 10.00am - 1.00pm , 8th / 15th / 22th / 29th August - 5 - 11 year old's, this session will also include a shared lunch. - £25
Activities include, campfire cooking, craft activities, games.
Bushcraft with Daniel, Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm, 7th / 14th / 21st / 28th August - 13+ - £40
A series of bushcraft sessions for older children and their parents (should a parent wish to be involved). including firecraft.
Any queries or questions please email louise.hoskins@apricotcentre.co.uk or see the booking form here