Social Forestry
Roots to Rise - Woodland Wellbeing Project
Building resilience and resources for anxiety and stress in a nature based environment.
Research has shown that time spent in nature and woodlands is so important and effective at improving wellbeing and activities that make people active are also essential to improving wellbeing. We know that building relationships is key to improving mental health. Our nature-based work will enable us to support young people who have been isolated or have anxiety issues through positive experiences with each other and rooted in their connection with the environment.
Nature Connection is a regular, structured activity that:
is led by trained professionals (sometimes therapists), who are there to support you
focuses on doing an activity, rather than on your health
takes place in a green environment
is related to exploring and appreciating the natural world
involves spending time with other people, although you can always choose to interact at your own pace.
The Apricot Centre’s Roots to Rise - Woodland Wellbeing Project helps young people and their families affected by stress, anxiety and mental health issues whether this is due to life experiences, trauma, being in the care industry, ecoanxiety, bereavement or a stress response. We help by actively encouraging them to reconnect with nature, find their voice, rediscover the art of play and return to being part of a community again. Whilst helping to improve physical, emotional and mental health, unlike traditional support groups we are looking to provide the attendees the opportunity to build resilience and resources so that they may build memory pathways to help themselves and improve wellbeing without the need for another person. Building memory pathways connected to nature means that this work can be called upon and used in any natural setting whether this is a garden, a park, woodland or simply looking out of their window.
See below for our next event and download a flyer:
Root & Rise
Supporting Young People
Moving Towards Independence
Forest skills | fire Lighting | Plan for the future
To book Contact louise.hoskins@apricotcentre.co.uk

Nature Connection FAQs
+ Do I need to book?
Yes! There are only 10 spaces available. To book contact Paul Taylor on 07766 990922.
+ What should you wear?
Trainers, jeans or trackie bottoms and a warm jacket.
+ Joining Voucher
You will be given a £20 voucher for joining on the day.
+ What about food?
Hot food is included.
+ What about travel expenses?
You will get £5 towards your travel expenses on the day.
+ What if I need support with getting there?
You can speak to your key worker about planning your journey and support with making transport arrangements.
+ Who can I speak to for help?
Any questions or worries, contact Paul Taylor on 07766 990922.