Sarah Jane Coe
Person- Centred Integrative Practitioner
I am a person- centred integrative practitioner, trained specially to work with children, young people, and their families. My work is based on a deep respect for the people I am working with. I am committed to empowering individuals to explore their own understandings and make their own choices.
I emphasise the importance of dialogue, connection, and relationship in all my work, working empathically and creatively, using nature and art based techniques to support clients.
I have 20 years’ experience working with children and young people, as an associate lecturer at Exeter University, a CIC advocate, teacher, and SENDCO, working with schools, therapeutic fostering agencies, and CAMHS.
I am delighted to be working with the Apricot centre and look forward to supporting families through their adoption journey, and connecting with the natural world as a fantastic therapeutic resource.